Tanha Islam's Blog

A proud mozillian's blog ….


Software Freedom Day 2013 @BRAC University,Dhaka,Bangladesh

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software. SFD is a public education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and its virtues, and encouraging its use.

Software Freedom Day was established in 2004 and was first observed on 28 August of that year. About 12 teams participated in the first Software Freedom Day. Since that time it has grown in popularity and while organizers anticipated more than 1,000 teams in 2010, the event has stalled at around 400+ locations over the past two years, representing a 30% decrease over 2009.

We were lucky enough to arrange software freedom day at Brac University(Mohakhali campus),Dhaka.It took place on the 23rd September.

We set up a booth with the help of Noor bro.


The program was scheduled to in this way:
10:00 am – 11:00 am: Inauguration Ceremony of Software Freedom Day;


After that What & Why SFD???
-By Mr. Ring and Mr. Noor



11:00 am – 11:40 am: Session on Blender by Ashker Ibne Abbas


11:40 am – 12:40 pm: A session on Mozilla Bangladesh by Ratul Minhaz, Tanha Islam and Rifaj Nahiyan


Ratul Minhaz,talking about FirefoxOS


Tanha Islam ( Me :D),talking about my favorite part Popcorn Maker


Rifaz Nahiyan,talking about thimble,he just loves it!I wish to learn it well from his sessions πŸ˜€

12:40 pm – 01:00 pm: RR Foundation


01:00 pm – 01:50 pm: Lunch Break

This was the time when we concentrated more than food to group pics πŸ˜›

yeah!We did pass some fun time πŸ™‚


and our very own FirefoxOS


which suits best in my hand πŸ˜‰


poor rifaz… πŸ˜› he was trying to call someone (!) without simcard πŸ˜›

and my favorite webpage! this thing is really something awesome!


Oh!one thing I forgot to mention is we are going to have a new female contributor.YAY!My Womoz team is getting powerful day by day πŸ˜€


02:00 pm – 02:45 pm: A session on WordPress by Mehedi


04:15 pm – 05:00 pm: A session on Joomla by Sabuj Kundu

02:45 pm – 03:30 pm: A session on Drupal by Anam Ahmed

and that is how the program ended..!! πŸ™‚
we all had a very nice day!

(P.s-Every session had some questions answers round where several people showed interest to know more about the related topics)

More Pics at : http://www.flickr.com/photos/phizkdayvil/sets/72157635798221695/

-Tanha Islam

-NSU Firefox Community(https://www.facebook.com/firefoxnsu)
Member & Admin
-Firefox Student Ambassadors(https://www.facebook.com/Firefox.Student.Ambassadors)
Student Ambassador
-Mozilla Firefox(https://www.facebook.com/Firefox)
-Womoz Bangladesh(https://www.facebook.com/WomozBangladesh)
Member and admin


Maker Party 2013 @ Maple Leaf,Dhaka,Bangladesh


Yes,this is the day I first took part in one of the active events of Mozilla BD – WebMaker Party 2013


Let me tell you,I first met all the mozillians on the occasion of mozilla’s 15 year celebration at Star,Kabab.

Today,with the help of Rifaz Nahiyan we were able to do this Maker Party at his school Maple Leaf,Dhaka which is situated at Dhanmondi 11/A.


At first it was pretty hard to set all pcs with working internet but our Ashickur Rahman Noor bro managed it with perfection! πŸ˜€

Students started coming sharp at 1.00,where we saw both male and female students of class ranging class6 to A-levels.

After they were done taking seats Noor bro started his presentation which was made using POPCORNMAKER.

He started explaining the open source and following that he started the original Maker Party.He discussed the main three parts of the Web Maker which were:


Popcorn makerΒ 


X-ray googles




Some of the students had some questions which I am mentioning with answers we gave:

-will mozilla pay me for this?

Noor Bro: No,It’s actually a volunteeary type work where Mozilla is a non-profit type organization.None of us here gets paid but we have gathered a lots of knowledge and experiences from it.

-can’t I have copyright thingy on my makes?

Noor Bro:no,you can’t

Me:But the website will show the core/main piece of the make beside the remix ones,from where everyone will be able to see who made it first and who remixed it.

-why will others be able to remix my makes?

Noor Bro:that’s why it’s open source!You can use others code to build up a new thing!

Following that I,Tanha Islam started talking about Popcorn Maker,I explained those students how to work on that and why do we need to use that.


Some of them started to make some popcorn videos just before I ended my discussion.They seemed so interested working on that!!

After that Rifaz started explaining the Thimble part where he discussed some basic stuffs of HTML and CSS,He asked one of the students to stand up and tell his favorite car which was Lamborghini aventador!He helped Rifaz to make one thimble with that!


When Rifaz was done,me and Noor bro gave a brief of X-ray Googles.

After that students were given some time to make the web,they did a great job.

Link : http://www.flickr.com/photos/phizkdayvil/sets/72157635534845331 (I saved it to my account BTW)

After guys were gone they left a funny thing for us(popcorn video) which link I don’t have because girls refreshed the page to make a new one THIS ONE

I still have a photo of what boys made πŸ˜›


When everything was done students were shown the MaKey MaKey

Where you one could play Mario game not with keyboards,but with Bananas! Seems interesting!I played it as well and it was really fun!


That is how the AWESOME day ended finishing up the Maker Party on the last day announced by Mozilla.

It was really a good experience for me πŸ™‚

Mozilla and Mozillians ROCK!

Tanha Islam

(Student Ambassador,Contributor & Volunteer-Bangladesh)

North South University

*Proud Mozillian*

Find me :

Twitter : @ahnat16

G+: +Tanha Islam

Mozillians: https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/pink.devil.tanha/



More Pics at : http://www.flickr.com/photos/phizkdayvil/sets/72157635534845331

(p.s-Let me tell you the room was really small to breath in for 25-28 people,still we managed it with peace as everyone was co-operating with us!Thanks to Maple Leaf school,their students and teachers)